Following this, according to Prabhu's instructions,Shri Maha Prabhuji manifested
on earth to grant salvation to all daivi souls and to whom, he . bestowed
ashtakshar mantra as the first initiation.
This mantra has eight letters. 'ASHT' means eight and 'AKSHAR' means letter,
thereby it is called, astakshar. These eight letters are not inanimate like
ordinary letters, but, they are the bestower of wondrous divine powers.
Each letter has profound depths of significance revealed by Shri Gosainji
in his text 'description of the significance of Ashtakshar Mantra' .
Initially let us consider the in-depth meaning of each individual letter
in chronology.
Attainment of good fortune and wealth
Destroyer of sin
Destroyer of the three types of sufferings
Remover of the suffering of the cycle
of birth and death.
Attainment of divine knowledge
Unwavering devotion for Shri Krishna
Divine love for guru who reveals
the supreme precious jewel,ShriKrishna.
Merging with Shri Hari and being
liberated from taking rebirth. Merging in the devotional path
is superior to merger in the path of knowledge.
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