What are the Upnishadas? |
It is believed that the Upnishads are also God's creation. They contain the Philosophy of God, Universe, moksha. The word Upnishad, literally means to be able to be close to God or to stay near the Guru, because by studying, you understand God better. Although, in somepeople's opinion, there are nearly 100 upnishads, there are in actuality, approximately 20 main ones. These are the Ishavaasya Upnishad, Ken Upnishad, Chhandogya Upnishad, Mandukya Upnishad, Kath Upnishad etc. |
Which is the other main religious texts of Hindu Dharma? |
Ved Vyasji had composed the Brahma Sootra. It is called Vedant. The many Acharyas of hindu dharma have written commentaries on this work, to make it easier to understand. These include the work of Shri Shankaracharyaa, Shri Ramanujacharya, Shri Madhavacharya, Shri Nimbarkacharya and Shri Vallabhacharya. |
Apart from these which are the other well known scriptures of Hindu Dharma? |
The Holy Geeta and Bhagvat are the other well known texts. The Geeta is a part of the epic Mahabharat, which Ved Vyasji had written. It is about Shri Krishna's message, a lesson to arjun, on the eve when Kauravas and Pandavas were poised for battle. That is the religious song 'geeta'. Of Vyasji 's 18 Puranas, the main is Bhagvat mahapuran. You must have also heard about 'Ramayan'. It was written by sage Valmiki. |
What does puran mean? |
Puran means ancient history. The puranas contain all of the Demigods and their devotees. The main puranas are the Bhagavat, Brahma Puran, Agni Puran, Vayu Puran etc. |
What is significant about the Hindu Dharma in comparison to other religions? |
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