Are there sub-religions in dharma? |
Yes, every dharma has sub-religions. We call it 'Sampraday' tradition or custom. Traditional teachings of heirchy of spirtual teachers. |
What is the name of our religion? |
It is Sanatan dharma or Ved dharma. It is called sanatan because its tenets are always the same-eternal. Its principal scripture is Ved. So it is called Ved dharma. Our country is Hindustan, So it is known as Hindu dharma. |
Who established Hindu dharma and when? |
There is no define set date record, as to its establishment, but it is definitely a very ancient Dharma. In fact to say that, it is the world's oldest religion, would not be wrong. Our ancestors were Aryans and this word in Sanskrit means 'great' since they practiced Santan Dharma. Today we call it hindu dharma. It was not started by anyone, but by God himself, who gave 'Rigved and other Vedas. |
Which is their main scripture? |
Hindu dharma has the 'Ved' as its main scripture (religious book). The word Ved is
derived from the word 'Vid'. Vid = to know. Ved = knowledge. Which consists the total knowledge of dharma is ved. Ved was not man's work,
but they are a creation, manifestaion from God's breath and hence they are considered to be God' words. His words are expressed in this form.
It is the world's oldest scripture. However, it was simplified and modified by a great rishi, a saga called Vyasji. Being a wise learned scholar, he
categorized it, subjectwise, thus splitting it into 2 section, Uttarkand and Poorvakand. The latter contains information on how to perform
yagna to obtain Lord. The former contains, detailed description about God, The Universe, the Soul etc. |
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