Now Kans was trembling with fear at the very thought of Krishna. Every demon sent by him had been killed at Krishna's hands and he was now convinced that his end was quite near too. So, Kans now deputed Keshi, his strongest demon, to put an end to Krishna's life.
This demon used to roam in the form of a dark black horse, very dreadful to look at, so much so that even Devs feared to see eye to eye with him. Keshi came to Vrindavan at Kans’s bidding in the form stated above. He started running through the streets of the village neighing furiously. People were so afraid that they shut their doors and the scared cattle broke loose to run for safety.
As soon as Krishna heard of this horse, he lost no time to follow that he was a demon sent by his maternal uncle, Kansa. So, with a view to chastising him, he challenged Keshi who was in the lookout for an opportunity for an encounter with Krishna. Seeing Krishna in front, Keshi fell upon him in full fury. Opening his mouth wide, he tried to bite Krishna who pushed his arm into his mouth and broke all his teeth. Then he enlarged the length and girth of his arm to such an extent that Keshi's throat got choked and his belly got inflated. Finally it burst causing the demon to fall down dead on the ground.